514-1. Definition. 514 to areas used for service of vehicles using diesel fuel and to dispensing pumps and areas for diesel fuel. Fuel with a flash point above 100 F may be ruled to be not “ a volatile flammable liquid” to which the regulations of Arts. 511 and 514 are addressed.
514-2. Class I Locations. General storage and handing of flammable and combustible liquids. The space within the dispenser enclosure is a class I, Division 1 up to 4 ft above the base. The space within 18 in, of the outside of the dispenser enclosure is a class I, Division 2 Location up to 4 ft above the enclosure base. The 18-in. space around the dispenser was Division 1 space in previous of the code.
514-1. Definition. 514 to areas used for service of vehicles using diesel fuel and to dispensing pumps and areas for diesel fuel. Fuel with a flash point above 100 F may be ruled to be not “ a volatile flammable liquid” to which the regulations of Arts. 511 and 514 are addressed.
514-2. Class I Locations. General storage and handing of flammable and combustible liquids. The space within the dispenser enclosure is a class I, Division 1 up to 4 ft above the base. The space within 18 in, of the outside of the dispenser enclosure is a class I, Division 2 Location up to 4 ft above the enclosure base. The 18-in. space around the dispenser was Division 1 space in previous of the code.
To be Continue..........