How to written a good Maintenance Policy
Thoughtfully developed, policy is the driving force behind any successful maintenance department. This chapter examines the action plans contained in a well- written maintenance management policy and how they are used in the day-to-day, practical management of maintenance activity.
The following six principles, applied regular, can lead to a successful, highly productive maintenance department. These principles are the basis for your action policy action plan. If they ring true, your action plan will work. If they are flawed, desired results will not occur.
1. The best productivity results when each individual in an organization has a definite job to do in a definite way and a definite time.
2. Measurement must come before control. If an electrician receives an approved, definite amount of time, he knows what management experts. Management has provided a goal for that job. When they have the results of the combined efforts of management and labor. Control begins when supervision compares the results against goals. When the supervisor thinks about differences between the plan and actual results, and gives the maintenance crew new direction, the control cycle has gone full circle and improvements happen.
3. The customer service relationship is the foundation of a successful organization. The natural justification for the existence of the maintenance service support activity is that operation require facilities must be maintained at a level consistent with economical output of a required quantity and quality. The cost maintenance is part of the overall cost of operations and , therefore, funds for this activity are budgeted to operating departments. In short, “The customer pays the bill.” Operations is the chief customer, or user of the maintenance services. The maintenance department provides the service required . the customer service relationship is the foundation for assignment of authority and responsibility to the members of the organization team.
4. The optimum crew size is the smallest number that can perform a job using a good representative method in a safe way. Most tasks require a crew of one.
5. Schedule control points in a timely manner. They should be scheduled at frequent enough intervals so that detection of problems occurs in time to bring about on time completion of the job.
6. Job control depends upon definite, individual, responsibility for each activity in the life of a work order. The maintenance department is responsible for developing, implementing and operating support for the planning and scheduling of maintenance work. Each supervisor is responsible for correct and complete use of the system in his/her own span of control.